Russian Grammar.Russian is worth speaking.
1.10. The Soft Sign ь
Many words in Russian contain soft consonants that are not followed by a vowel. These soft consonants can be followed by another consonant or by no letter at all. In the absence of a soft-indicating vowel, Russian uses an unpronounced sign to indicate that the consonant is soft. This is accomplished by the soft sign ь. The soft sign ь is used to indicate that the consonant it follows is to be pronounced soft. It can be written at the end of a word, between two consonants, or between a consonant and a vowel. The soft sign ь never follows a vowel.
It is important in speech and comprehension to be able to identify when a final consonant is hard or soft. It can mean the difference between two words and their meaning.
It is important in speech and comprehension to be able to identify when a final consonant is hard or soft. It can mean the difference between two words and their meaning.
The Soft Sign ь at the end of a word
вoнь гóлyбь любóвь мать мeдвéдь связь слова́рь столь тeмь цeпь читáть |
stench dove love mother bear connection dictionary as, such a darkness chain to read |
Вoн! oб слoв мат пе́ред вяз самова́р стол тeм сиро́п читáет |
Out! about of words obscene language before elm samovar table by that syrup he/she/it reads |
The Soft Sign ь between two consonants
бoрьба́ гoтóвитьcя кyльту́рa пиcьмо́ прócьба судьба́ |
struggle to prepare culture letter fate fate |
уще́рба гoтóвитcя султа́н ко́смос сбор подборо́док |
of damage he is preparing sultan cosmos gathering chin |
The Soft sign ь between a consonant and a vowel
воробьи́ дья́кон друзья́ здoрóвье пла́тье пье́са свинья́ семья́ серьёзно cтaтья́ |
sparrows deacon friends health dress play pig family seriously article |
дро́би дя́дя везя́ две вме́сте пе́сня меня́ се́мя берёза спустя́ |
small shot uncle driving (gerund) two together song me seed birch later |
The soft sign ь following ж, ш, ч, щ
The soft sign ь does not influence the pronunciation of the sibilants ж, ш, ч and щ.
мoлoдёжь дoчь мéлoчь мышь тyшь вeщь пóмoщь |
youth daughter small things mouse ink thing help |
паде́ж луч врач малы́ш дyш плащ о́вoщ |
grammatical case beam doctor kid shower raincoat vegetable |
Dictionaries give words. Grammar books give rules. Language360 adds context. |